Category: People

When is taking a pay cut okay?

Taking a pay cut is never easy but there are some situations where it makes sense. Focusing exclusively on the salary could prevent you from looking at other factors which are also…

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Responding to employees who are experiencing personal crises

Managing an employee who is going through a stressful period personally can be a big challenge for bosses. Handling these situations well as a manager often means you need to be compassionate…

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Responding to conflict in the workplace

Handling conflict in the workplace is a sensitive issue which needs to be dealt with carefully.  The following are practical strategies to respond to conflict that may arise: Focus on behaviour and…

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How to motivate and incentivise employees

Each employee is motivated and incentivised by different things. While some employees are more motivated by money, others might feel motivated when their work is recognised. It is important to try to…

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Responding to an underperforming employee

Given how confusing and stressful these times have been for individuals, you might find that employees are not performing at the standard you expect them to. This can prevent the company from…

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Customer retention strategies

Retaining customers is just as important as acquiring new ones, if not more important. This is because unless customers had a negative experience with your company, they will use your services or…

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Building a strong team

Individuals often need to come together to form a team in order to successfully accomplish tasks in the workplace. Employers should aim to build team cohesion so that team members are co-operating…

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Making employees feel valued

Statistics have shown that employees who feel valued are more motivated to perform their best. But how can a business make employees feel valued so that they can encourage this behaviour? Recognition…

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Dealing with interview jitters

An interview can be intimidating even if you are the perfect person for the job. Improving your performance during an interview can be a matter of learning to alleviate your anxiety. Preparing…

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Readapting to working from the office

As businesses are looking to bring their employees back into work, it is important to ensure that your workstyle practices allow you to seamlessly integrate into working from the office. Try adopting…

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